

For those who are interested in ReaLine Core

For those who are new to ReaLine Core or who want to gain a deeper understanding of ReaLine Core, developer Kazuyoshi Kamata provides an explanation on YouTube . We hope for your reference. Kazuyoshi Kamata's "Body Distortion Laboratory" YouTube branch posts videos on a regular basis. ↓Please subscribe to our channel!↓ ◎Realine product introduction: What is the "Realine Core" used in treatment clinics? What are its effects and how to use it? ◎Realign Core Theory: What is the effect of Realign Core? ◎Realign Core Practical Edition: Introducing specific ways to use the Realign Core and exercises

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Introducing Kazuyoshi Kamata's "Body Distortion Laboratory" YouTube branch

Kazuyoshi Kamata's "Body Distortion Laboratory" YouTube branch posts videos on a regular basis. ↓Please subscribe to our channel!↓

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【予告】母の日・父の日キャンペーン リハビー・チェア送料無料キャンペーン【開催期間:5月6日 9:00~5月13日】

[Notice] Mother's Day/Father's Day Campaign Rehab Chair Free Shipping Campaign [Period: May 6th 9:00-May 13th]

Thank you very much for your continued patronage. During this period, we will be offering free shipping on all orders of Rehab Chairs. [Event period: May 6th 9:00 ~ May 13th ] The Rehaby Chair is a portable chair developed for people who find it painful to sit in a chair for long periods of time. It is designed to improve pelvic misalignment simply by sitting. Recommended for reducing the pain of desk work, studying, and long distance travel, and for improving work efficiency. Please take this opportunity to try it out. ■Rehab Chair Product Page ■ Campaign Notes...

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