Agent Application

Agency system overview

Purpose of the agency system

Products developed based on the Realign concept are sold under the following three brands.

ReaLine: For athletes and sports enthusiasts

Reauty: For women who want to regain beautiful posture and behavior

Rehaby: For people who want to improve their joint condition

We are seeking agents to help spread the Realine concept throughout the country through these products.

If you attend the seminar and become a Reline Master , you will be able to purchase all products at wholesale prices according to your level. Since it takes time to obtain certification, you can register as an agent before obtaining certification.

1. Seminar participants from medical institutions, treatment centers, trainers, etc.:

1A: After obtaining Realign Master Certification: Purchase products at special prices

1B: Before obtaining Reline Master Certification: Purchase products at wholesale prices as an agent (some products are at list price)

2. For those other than the above: Purchase products at wholesale prices as an agent (some products are at list price)

how to order

The above products are sold at . Companies and sole proprietors who are registered with the agency can purchase products at a discount rate by logging in here.

Sales promotion tool

We have prepared sales promotion tools for our distributors. You can order them here .

●Size matching set

●Realign Insole Sport (sizes 22-29)

●ReaLine Insole Light (sizes 22-29)

●Realign Insole Junior (sizes 12-21)

●Ryuthy Sole (size 22-25)

●Realine socks (S, M, L, LL)

●Rehabilitation belt (S, M, L)

●Order form with QR code

●Customers: 10% off

●Agency: 20% of sales as referral fee


●When you place your first order after registering as an agency, or when you place your first order for the fiscal year,

●We will provide free samples up to 20% of the order amount.

●You can order in-store samples of various products and trial samples for staff at a special price (-50%).

*Excluding products: Realign Core, Rehaby Leg Press

If you wish to register as an agency, please fill in the membership application (agency registration) form .

Agent membership rank and commission rate

●Membership rank

●There are four levels of agency membership: Agency A, B, C and D.

●There is no annual fee.

●A special agent (Agent S) may be appointed by concluding an agreement regarding sales promotion.

●Applying rate

●The commodities trading rates are as shown in the table below.

●Products that require specialized knowledge (Rehaby Leg Press, Realign Core) will be sold at list price. A discount rate will be applied according to the level of Realign Master that you have acquired through attending the seminar.

Joining and withdrawing from membership

●Membership application

●Please fill out the membership application (agency registration) form.

●In the application form, please enter your estimated monthly purchase amount and outreach/education plan.

●If the average purchase amount during the initial three months does not reach the "expected purchase amount," we may consider revising the premium rate.

●We will consult with you on promotional methods that will exceed the expected purchase amount.


●If there is no transaction for 12 months, your membership may be automatically terminated.