My feet are tired and my toes are tight...! How to solve these problems when wearing high heels.


[My feet get tired, my toes get squeezed...! How to solve the problems when wearing high heels]

◆The discomfort of wearing high heels is “universal”!

Have you given up on fashionable high heels?

Do you know why wearing high heels makes you tired?

Feet slide forward

Toe tightening

Shaky and unstable

Difficulty in straightening the knees

The center of gravity is pulled forward

Arching of the back

✔Swelling of the legs

It's natural to feel tired!

These problems are inherent in wearing high heels, as your foot will inevitably slide forward, which inevitably leads to these discomforts.

Do you just keep on putting up with it, or give up?

What causes you discomfort when wearing high heels?

High heels have design issues

✔The size or shape of the high heels doesn't fit your feet

Collapsed arch of the foot

✔Walking tips

I'm not used to wearing high heels

There must be problems with your feet, your shoes, and your walking style. All of these are fixable, but little is known about how to effectively fix them.


What will happen if you hold back?

What happens if you continue to wear high heels even though they are uncomfortable?


Think about the evening after walking around in high heels all day.

-The toes are squeezed and the areas that touch the shoes become red and swollen, and hurt just to touch them.

- Tension in the calves and proximal thighs, and a strong feeling of fatigue throughout the legs.

-My knees are shaking and I can't straighten them even if I try.

-The outside of my buttocks becomes tense and I feel like hitting it.

・The muscles in my lower back become tense and I don't want to stand.

Have you ever had the experience of coming home exhausted and feeling worn out? I'm sure there are many people who have made a firm resolution to never wear high heels again at least once or twice.


Many people have to wear high heels for work or in their private lives, right? You may also want to wear high heels with a suit or dress for family events, such as your child's school entrance ceremony.


Repeating this process will lead to chronic stiffness in tired muscles . Even if you receive a massage, the muscles and nerves will be crushed and the pain will only increase. You don't want to receive a bad massage.


Eventually, this can cause fatigue in the joints and muscles of your toes, as well as problems in your knees and hips .


It's not just about being tired.


It is dangerous to ignore the discomfort of high heels!

Explain how to deal with the discomfort of wearing high heels
First, find out the condition of your feet!

・The three arches of the foot

The foot has three arches: the medial arch, the lateral arch, and the lateral arch. These arches are responsible for absorbing and dispersing shock.


・The role of the outer arch

The outer arch of the foot prevents the foot from tilting outward when weight is applied. However, the outer arch often collapses. The arch can no longer be maintained, and the part of the foot that should be floating may end up touching the ground.


If the outer arch is collapsed

When the lateral arch of the foot is lowered, weight tends to be placed on the outside of the foot. As a result, the heel also tilts outward and the shin also tries to rotate outward. When the shin and thigh rotate outward in unison, the toes point outward as you walk.


When your toes point outwards

If your toes point outward when you walk, the outside of your heel will strike the ground, meaning the outside of your shoe will be more likely to wear down.

In addition, your weight will be placed on the outside of your foot, which will cause a twisting force to be transmitted to your knee, increasing the strain on your knee.

In other words, there is a close relationship between the collapse of the arch of the foot and the discomfort caused by wearing high heels.

How to support the outer arch?

To support the lowered outer arch, you need to take several steps.

①Restore mobility of the outer arch

・Before supporting the outer arch, it is necessary to restore the shape of the arch. The " Aotakefumi " is the best way to do this. The cross section of the bamboo just pushes the outer arch upwards, restoring the movement of the bones that make up the arch.


② Strengthen the muscles that create the outer arch

・The muscles that support the outer arch include the abductor digitorum minimi, peroneus longus, and peroneus brevis. To effectively train these muscles, we recommend squatting while stepping on a rolled-up towel .

- By keeping your weight on your toes and heels and supporting your outer arch with a towel while doing squats, you can effectively stimulate the upper muscles.


3. Wear insoles that support the outer arch

During activity, the outer arch tends to lower. To effectively support the outer arch, it is necessary to support a small bone called the cuboid bone. To support the cuboid bone, an insole that supports the cuboid bone slightly outside the center of the foot is useful.


The fundamental problem is "slipping forward with your foot."

You're not going to feel comfortable unless you solve this!

The need for insoles that expand the load-bearing area of ​​the toes and prevent lateral movement

General insoles do not have the effect of expanding the load-bearing area of ​​the toes, and they also cannot support the dome structure of the foot.

It will not work for those who suffer from the discomfort of high heels.

The Lutti Fem Sole gently supports the three-dimensional arch of the foot and fits comfortably to the foot.

They also provide gentle support for your toes and prevent your feet from slipping forward inside your high heels.


The polyurethane insole material is adhesive in itself, so it can be washed and dried and then reattached as many times as you like.



Only Luti Femsol can reliably stop forward slippage!

The Luti Fem Sole is a revolutionary insole designed to combat the fatigue, swelling, and tightness of the feet, knees, and hips caused by high heels. It will release the beauty of your straight legs and whole body, starting from your feet!

Ruthie Femsol

You can walk easily in high-heeled pumps with perfect posture!

General insoles do not have the effect of expanding the load-bearing area of ​​the toes, and they also cannot support the dome structure of the foot.

It will not work for those who suffer from the discomfort of high heels.

The Lutti Fem Sole gently supports the three-dimensional arch of the foot and fits comfortably to the foot.

They also provide gentle support for your toes and prevent your feet from slipping forward inside your high heels.


The polyurethane insole material is sticky, so it can be reattached after washing and drying.



Developer: Ruthie Femsol

Kamata Kazuyoshi

(Doctor of Philosophy, Physiotherapist)

I am a physical therapist and an expert in "physical movement science" who earned a PhD from the University of Tokyo Graduate School.


I accompanied the Japanese delegation to the Atlanta and Sydney Olympics, and worked at the Athletes' Village Clinic for about two months during the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games.


Many people suffer from foot pain, and high heels in particular put a lot of strain on the feet. There are many women who have to wear high heels for work, and women who want to wear them but can't because of the pain, and many others who want to relieve the pain.


We hope to address these issues through our products.


♡If you want to get Luti Femsol, click here▼

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