Interview with Supported Athlete Seiya Shimizu

インタビュー記事 サポートアスリート 清水誠也選手

Seiya Shimizu, who is currently active as a futsal player,
People love using ReaLine devices!

This time, we asked Shimizu about the Realign Device.
I had the opportunity to interview him, so I'd like to introduce it to you.



◎Please tell us about your favorite Realign device.

・Realine socks (Pro/Soft/Soft Long),


◎What were your impressions after using the Realign device?

My ankle is more stable now and I can play without any worries.


◎Have you noticed any changes in your body before and after using the ReaLine device?


I used to have a habit of spraining my ankles, but now I hardly ever sprain them at all.

◎What benefits do you feel you get from using the Realign device?

Until now, I've been playing with anxiety about my ankle, but now I can play without so much anxiety and concentrate on the game.


◎In what sport do you think your Realign device is particularly effective?

In sports, movements like running and keeping up are essential, so I think it is very effective in interpersonal sports.


Can using a Realign device help prevent injuries?

Definitely fewer sprains.


◎Please tell us what goals you would like to achieve by using the Realign device.

They have become an essential part of achieving my goals, so I would like as many people as possible to try them and experience the effects.


◎ Please give us a message for people who are considering using the ReaLine device, including any recommended points.

I wear socks, but I think there are many people who suffer from sprains. I think moving around while feeling anxious is very stressful, so if you are anxious, I recommend you try these socks.



Thank you, Shimizu, for taking the time out of your busy schedule to participate in this interview!

Click here to see the Realign device used by Shimizu.

Please feel free to use this as a reference!

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