Interview article Supported athlete Hodaka Nakamura

インタビュー記事 サポート選手 中村 帆高 選手

Hotaka Nakamura, a popular soccer player, is a lover of the Realign device!

This time, we interviewed Nakamura about the Realign device, so we'd like to introduce it to you!


◎Please tell us about your favorite Realign device.

・Realine socks (Pro/Soft/Soft Long)

・Realign Core (TH/SI)

・Realign Balance Shoes for Knee Joints,

・Realign Balance Shoes for Ankles

◎What were your impressions after using the Realign device?

It has become a truly indispensable part of daily physical care and for competitive play.

◎Have you noticed any changes in your body before and after using the ReaLine device?

The one that really made an impact was the Realign Core.

Because it can correct your pelvis, the feeling of standing and walking is completely different before and after it is done.

◎What benefits do you feel you get from using the Realign device?

Because it is possible to approach the fundamental parts of the body, I think it is possible to solve your problems from the root rather than just making superficial improvements.

◎In what sport do you think your Realign device is particularly effective?

I play soccer, so I have experienced it in that field, but I feel it is effective in improving your condition in any sport.

Can using a Realign device help prevent injuries?

I think there are quite a few.

While there are some aspects of injuries that cannot be avoided, I believe that using Realine in this way on a daily basis will ultimately lead to preventing and reducing injuries.

◎Please tell us what goals you would like to achieve by using the Realign device.

As a soccer player, I want to do my best to play for the Japanese national team.

◎ Please give us a message for people who are considering using the ReaLine device, including any recommended points.

I believe that anyone who feels they have issues with their body, those who suffer from frequent injuries, those who want to improve their performance, and anyone who doesn't play sports will be able to experience the benefits!


Thank you, Nakamura, for taking the time out of your busy schedule to participate in this interview!

We at GLAB are looking forward to the day when Nakamura plays for the Japanese national team!

Click here to see the Realign device used by Nakamura▼

Please feel free to use this as a reference!

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