How to use ReaLine Coreno effectively ~Chest section~

ReaLine Corenoの上手な使い方~胸郭編~

[How to use ReaLine Coreno effectively ~Chest section~]
This time, we will introduce how to use ReaLine Core: "How to improve lateral rib cage movement"!
There is also a video on the fourth page.
The rib cage is located in the center of the body, so it controls the movement of the spine.
Arm movements, movements below the pelvis, etc.
It is involved in almost all body movements.
In particular, when the movement of the lateral thorax improves,
●The benefit is improved shoulder movement!
The shoulders are important in many sports, for example:
・Swimming strokes
- Typical examples include large arm movements such as serving and attacking in volleyball and pitching in baseball.
Now, let me show you one exercise:
[Lateral bending exercise]
① Place one hand behind your head. ② Bend your body to the side while being aware of stretching your ribs up and down. ③ Return to the original position. ④ Repeat. ⑤ Bend your body to the side with one hand extended. ⑥ Repeat.

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