Interview article Supported athlete Mizuki Hosoe

インタビュー記事 サポート選手 細江 みづき 選手

Mizuki Hosoe, a handball player,
People love using ReaLine devices!

This time, we asked Hosoe about the Realign device.
I had the opportunity to interview him, so I'd like to introduce it to you.





◎Please tell us about your favorite Realign device.

・Realign insole (Sports/Light/Lute Sole),

・Realine socks (Pro/Soft/Soft Long)


◎What were your impressions after using the Realign device?

I have been using the insoles for over 5 years, and because I can adjust them to my own specifications, they fit my feet better and better, and I can use them as insoles that I want. I also use the socks when I travel for long periods of time, and the amount of swelling I get when I use them is completely different from when I don't.


◎Have you noticed any changes in your body before and after using the ReaLine device?

The injuries have obviously decreased.


◎What benefits do you feel you get from using the Realign device?

It reduces slippage inside your shoes and helps you perform at your best.


◎In what sport do you think your Realign device is particularly effective?


I compete in indoor sports, but it can also be used by people who do intense sports.


Can using a Realign device help prevent injuries?

I feel it's effective because I've been able to do it without any major injuries so far.


◎Please tell us what goals you would like to achieve by using the Realign device.

Because it's an intense sport, injuries are inevitable, but I would like to finish my competitive career without any serious injuries.


◎ Please give us a message for people who are considering using the ReaLine device, including any recommended points.

If you are having trouble with insoles, I would recommend you try these.

The more you use it, the more it will fit your feet.


Thank you, Mr. Hosoe, for taking the time out of your busy schedule to participate in this interview!

Click here to see the Realign device used by Hosoe.

Please feel free to use this as a reference!

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