How to use ReaLine Coreno effectively ~Chest section~

ReaLine Corenoの上手な使い方~胸郭編~

[How to use ReaLine Coreno effectively ~Chest section~]

This time, we will introduce you to how to use ReaLine Core: "How to improve the movement between the upper and lower rib cage!"
There is also a video on the fourth page.

The rib cage is located in the center of the body, so it controls the movement of the spine.
Arm movements, movements below the pelvis, etc.
It is involved in almost all body movements.
In particular, when the movement between the top and bottom of the rib cage improves,

- Twisting movements become easier (body rotation movements)

There are some benefits to this!

There are many sports that require twisting movements. For example,
Typical movements include the golf swing, baseball swing, and pitching motion.

Now, let me show you one exercise:

[Rotational movement]
① Cross your arms and form a rectangle at shoulder height. ② With the Realign Core Thoracic Unit attached to your solar plexus facing straight ahead, twist your upper chest. ③ Return to the original position. ④ Repeat on the other side. ⑤ Repeat.

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