

Do you want to get back your sagging butt?

<Would you like to get back your saggy buttocks?> ⁡ Are you worried about your buttocks sagging and not returning to their original shape after giving birth? ⁡ Why does your butt sag during pregnancy? Today we will introduce the reasons why and how to deal with it! ⁡ ●Why does your butt get saggy? During pregnancy, your gait will change as your belly gets bigger. Because there is a baby in the stomach, you may walk carefully to avoid transmitting vibrations. Walking during pregnancy is often You are not using your legs or buttocks efficiently. By walking in a...

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ReaLine Corenoの上手な使い方~骨盤編~

How to use ReaLine Coreno effectively ~Pelvis Edition~

[How to use ReaLine Coreno effectively ~Pelvis Edition~] ⁡ This time, we will introduce how to use ReaLine Core - "Pelvic Symmetry Exercise"! ⁡ ReaLine Core is originally a set of two products. To make this easier to understand, I will only talk about the pelvis. ⁡ When you wear the Realign Core for the pelvis and do some simple exercises, It improves the balance between the left and right sides of the pelvis and makes it easier to move your hips. ⁡ This is what I always post, The pelvis is located between the upper and lower body It...

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What is the problem that is slowing down your work efficiency?

What worries are reducing your work efficiency? ⁡ There are many different types of work, even though they are all called jobs. Work that mainly involves desk work and sitting down This job mainly involves going out on the road and walking. Physical work such as carrying heavy luggage, etc. ⁡ This time, we will introduce Rehaby items that solve the physical problems that are common in a variety of jobs! ⁡ ● Jobs that mainly involve desk work Jobs that mainly involve sitting down to work on a computer or attending meetings often cause problems with the shoulders and...

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