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Is my pelvis misaligned?

Is my pelvis misaligned? ⁡ "I went to a chiropractor and was told that my pelvis was misaligned." "When I was watching a health program, I started to worry that my pelvis might be misaligned." Has this ever happened to you? ⁡ There are various opinions as to whether or not there is actually a distortion, but it is generally believed that a pelvic distortion can make you more susceptible to ailments such as lower back pain, headaches, and stiff shoulders, as well as constipation, swelling, and autonomic nervous system disorders. ⁡ Is this for real?! Some people may think...

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Common questions for postpartum mothers

<Common questions for postpartum mothers> ⁡ Have you ever heard that you're more likely to get leg cramps when you're pregnant? In fact, it seems that a surprisingly large number of women have experienced leg cramps after becoming pregnant. ⁡ When my legs cramp, it's very painful, The discomfort often lasts until the next day or the day after that, and in the case of pregnant women, before the discomfort improves, The next pain... Things like that happen. ⁡ Is there any way to prevent leg cramps? ⁡ There are various reasons for leg cramps, such as lack of exercise...

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Did you know? How to walk while pregnant

<Did you know? How to walk while pregnant> Many changes occur in your body during pregnancy. As I mentioned in a previous column, As your belly gets bigger, your waist becomes extremely curved. Your back starts to become rounded. ⁡ So, how about walking? ⁡ Don't you think there's something special about the way pregnant women walk? ⁡ When you observe how pregnant women walk, many of them walk with their legs wide apart and their bodies swaying from side to side. ⁡ This way of walking is Your posture will change as your belly gets bigger Weight gain and...

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