

A new item to shape your butt!

<A new item to shape your buttocks!> ⁡ In my last post, I talked about taking care of your buttocks after giving birth. This time, I would like you to try it before training. Introducing Reauty's new items! ⁡ <Reauty Perinelizer> Reauty Perinelizer is scheduled to be released next year! This item improves the function of the small muscles around the pelvis! During pregnancy, your pelvis and internal organs gradually create space for the baby to grow. During this process, various tissues inevitably stick together and the surface becomes less slippery. These changes often remain after birth and do not...

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ReaLine Corenoの上手な使い方~胸郭~

How to use ReaLine Coreno effectively: thoracic cage

[How to use ReaLine Coreno effectively ~Chest Cage~] This time, we will introduce how to use ReaLine Core! ⁡ ReaLine Core is originally a set of two products. For simplicity's sake, I'll only talk about the rib cage. ⁡ By wearing the Realign Core for the Rib Cage and performing simple exercises, your rib cage will be able to move up and down, left and right, etc. more easily depending on the exercise. ⁡ The important thing here is what benefits come from improving the movement of the thorax. for example, ●The ease of movement in sports that require large...

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The distortions faced by modern people

[Distortions faced by modern people] ⁡ Hello, this is Reahaby. This time, I will talk about the theme of "The distortions modern people face." ⁡ The "distortion" mentioned here does not mean that the joints are significantly out of alignment. This means that the joint has moved slightly from its correct position. ⁡ In fact, modern people are "distorted" without even realizing it. This is what we are creating. ⁡ For example, posture for desk work, studying, using a smartphone, holding a child or breastfeeding, etc. All of these postures can cause distortions in the body. It is difficult to...

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